Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Spain generates 7,000 jobs daily

"Spain generates 7,000 jobs daily" were the words of González Pons (Partido Popular) during the televised political debate for the upcoming European elections, just one of the many lies and maipulated "facts" churned out by the imploding government party, Partido Popular. If this was the case, what are all these jobs, where did they magicaly and suddenly appear from, why doesn't the unemployment rate show this and where's all the money in tax to back all this up?

This comes just days after Miguel Arias Cañete (member of Spain's governing party, Partido Popular and candidate for the European elections) made his sexist remark during his stand off televised debate against Elena Valenciano. "Debateing with a woman is complicated because if you use your superior intelect it looks chauvinistic" said Cañete.
In my opinion, Cañete has too many vested wealth interests of his own to be standing as candidate, his views and finances are likely to be more of an influence on his decisions rather than what's good for "the people" or the country.
 It would appear that the majority of Spain's Partido Popular not only still live in the dark ages of sexism but also have completely forgotten that the media, internet & newspapers exist and that information, for the most part, travels freely.

Also in the headlines is Juan Ignacio Zoido (Mayor of Huelva & Sevilla and yes.....another member of Partido Popular) after he decided to re-write history stating that Andalucìa is the "Kilometer zero of Spain & Europe",  and that "in modern age, ships left Seville to discover America"
How someone could set off to discover America before it had been discovered bemuses me as does the fact that the boats set off from the port of Palos.

Spain's ruling party (Partido Popular) has clearly lost all concept of the truth (if indeed they ever had a concpet of what is true and what is a lie) by resorting to publicly lieing, manipulating, insulting and misleading everyone in some inept dream that we're all still living in Spain's dictatorship times and that nobody will question their numbers, "facts" & figures.

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