The town hall of Madrid working under orders of Ana Botella (Partido Popular) is to set in motion a plan to drastically reduce the use of travel by car in the center of Madrid and in doing so increase public transport and pavement areas. " Madrid is for people , not for cars ," said Ana Botella who aims to " restrict the ability of traffic and parking ,". Along with the new measures to increase public transport and increase pedestrian areas, cameras are also to be installed in cars to fine offenders.
Alongside all this is an increase in cost of parking meters with a reduction of parking time. With an increase of around 30% of motorbikes and scooters, the Town Hall of Madrid have already increased the number of parking areas for them but are going to increase this again to accommodate the growing trend of use of 2 wheeled transport, including more bicycle parking.
Personally I'd also like to see cameras at ALL crossing points to catch the drivers jumping red lights, including the police who feel they have the right to do this regardless of whether or not they are on their way to an emergency, and to also catch the numerous drivers who feel it's appropriate to read, write, text, etc. whilst driving.
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