Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Newly created law of universal justice by governing political party, Partido Popular, sets 8 drug traffickers free.

The judge of the National Audience , Fernando Andreu, today set free 8 drug traffickers stating that "the case does not meet the requirements of the new law of universal justice".

Judge Fernando Andreu was forced to release eight drug traffickers arrested in international waters off the coast of Almeria because the new law of universal justice left the case outside the scope of the Spanish justice system. Judge Fernando Andreu regrets that "with the new Spanish legislature we now have today, there no longer exists legal cover to maintain our jurisdiction" against these eight Egyptian sailors carrying nearly 10 tons of cannabis, which were on their way to Libya.

Following a warning from the French authorities, the alleged drug traffickers from Egypt were intercepted last March in a fishing boat with no flag by Spanish customs in the Alborán Sea, 30 miles from Algeria and 60 miles from Spain. 
The judge believes that the new legal reform made by Spain's governing party, Partido Popular, no longer covers the actions made by the Spanish authorities since the ship is not Spanish, nor the detainees and was not intercepted in Spanish waters, nor destined for our country. Following the legistrature of the newly reformed law, Judge Fernando Andreu was forced to file the case until it is known whether or not the new requirements are met, which involves agreeing  to the release of the Egyption sailors who were formely imprisoned. 

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