Spain still struggles through 26% unemployment yet the opportunity of work isn't necessarily the answer for many. As Spanish president, Mariano Rajoy, talks the big talk of how his political party has technically taken Spain out of recession, the reality is a life of poverty and a future of debts for Spain's 45 million inhabitants.
For some time now, Spain's business owners have been using the threat of unemployment to strike fear into their employees and abuse them by means of offering illegal working conditions. You'd think that today in 2014, a country like Spain which claims to be modern and is part of the European Union, discriminatory and illegal job offers and contracts would be a thing of the past however, a quick look through online classifieds proves the opposite.
Job offers abound the internet classifieds with offers for "good looking girls with nice figures", "under 30's only", "room & food in exchange for full time hours" are just a few examples of what to expect in a search for employment.
Employer exploitation has staff working excessive and illegal hours for free through fear of losing their jobs due to the governments new measures that allows employers to fire staff with little or no reason at the drop of a sombrero.
In any other modern country of Europe, action would be taken against these oppressive working conditions yet here in Spain they have now become the norm with free reign for employers to do whatever they want with no means of reprisal. The government set minimum wage for each work category seems to have been completely ignored with waiters being offered less than basic wages, working more than full time hours for part time salary.
One would think this would be limited to the private sector only yet official government bodies and town hall placements also fall foul to indiscriminate working practices.
If you were to phone 060 Madrid, emergencias sanitarias, on a regular basis, you may think everyone has the same voice but the reality's a severely understaffed platform that frequently only has one person there to answer all calls, day or night, putting lives at risk of the 6 million inhabitants of Spain's capital.
New data from EPA (Encuesta de Población Activa - Labour Force Survey) shows 5 933 300 out of work which puts unemployment at 25.93%.
As Mariano Rajoy enjoys being chauffeured around in his 350 000 Euro Audi, the real workers of Spain continue to live in poverty with no hope of release from current life in Spain.
For some time now, Spain's business owners have been using the threat of unemployment to strike fear into their employees and abuse them by means of offering illegal working conditions. You'd think that today in 2014, a country like Spain which claims to be modern and is part of the European Union, discriminatory and illegal job offers and contracts would be a thing of the past however, a quick look through online classifieds proves the opposite.
Job offers abound the internet classifieds with offers for "good looking girls with nice figures", "under 30's only", "room & food in exchange for full time hours" are just a few examples of what to expect in a search for employment.
Employer exploitation has staff working excessive and illegal hours for free through fear of losing their jobs due to the governments new measures that allows employers to fire staff with little or no reason at the drop of a sombrero.
In any other modern country of Europe, action would be taken against these oppressive working conditions yet here in Spain they have now become the norm with free reign for employers to do whatever they want with no means of reprisal. The government set minimum wage for each work category seems to have been completely ignored with waiters being offered less than basic wages, working more than full time hours for part time salary.
One would think this would be limited to the private sector only yet official government bodies and town hall placements also fall foul to indiscriminate working practices.
If you were to phone 060 Madrid, emergencias sanitarias, on a regular basis, you may think everyone has the same voice but the reality's a severely understaffed platform that frequently only has one person there to answer all calls, day or night, putting lives at risk of the 6 million inhabitants of Spain's capital.
New data from EPA (Encuesta de Población Activa - Labour Force Survey) shows 5 933 300 out of work which puts unemployment at 25.93%.
As Mariano Rajoy enjoys being chauffeured around in his 350 000 Euro Audi, the real workers of Spain continue to live in poverty with no hope of release from current life in Spain.